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The Differences Between My Cell Realignment Machine and Other Healing Machines Like Rife Machine, Lakhovsky Multi Wave Machine, and Magnetic Pulser
by Alex Chiu
All the other machines are to be used during the day while my machine is to be used
during sleep. You have to wear my Immortality Rings during sleep if you are to use my machine. The reason is your
body heals itself during sleep. I see no reason why a man must sit on a chair during
a healing session. The body should be lying donw and totally relaxed so healing can
go on. All the other machines are used when one is awake and is sitting upright.
And most machines out there are too complicated and too diversed. For example,
the RIFE machines. There are too many variations of the RIFE machines on the market,
and most buyers are confused by this. Actually none of these RIFE machines on the
market is the original RIFE machine that was invented by Dr. Rife. So you have no
idea if they work or not. And the Lakhovsky Multi Wave Machine is also lost in
history. Nobody knows how to build the original one. And I do not recommend
people to use the magnetic pulsers. Electro-magnetic flux is radio active and is
extremely harmful to your body. Do not use a magnetic pulser.
The reason why I build my machine with just a few parts is this; In the future,
everybody will know how to build the Alex Chiu's cell realignment machine because its so
simple to make. Just buy a 9 volt adaptor, an off delay timer, a 270 ohm, a 470 ohm,
a 22,000uF capacitor, and set the timer to turn on for 10 minutes and shut off for around
30 seconds to 1 minute. That's it. Every elementary school kid can build one.
There is no way that this technology could be lost.
Maybe its because I speak Japanese. And my Japanese personality affected my style
of inventing. I always simplify and generalize what I create. I make sure that
everybody knows how to use what I made. For example, my immortality rings.
Just put on the rings with the plus sign on the right pinky and negative sign on the left
pinky, and go to sleep. take them off in the morning. That's it.
Everybody knows how to use them. And everybody can build them. This is the
Japanese way. Everybody know what sushi is. Everybody knows what a karate
uniform looks like and understands what a black belt is. Everybody knows what a
samurai sword looks like. Japanese always simplify and generalize their inventions
so that everybody can use and make them. Especially in this greedy world where lots
of people are extremely close minded. Doctors and drug companies try to suppress my
technology, and most people think of me as a con artist. My inventions need to be
simple and right to the point. I cannot afford to make anything that's too
complicated. Just like 2 samurais are fighting with their swords. Life and
death is decided in an instant. The samurai sword fight usually lasts just a few
seconds. And my inventions are the same way. They either work or don't work.
I don't bullshit around. I make them as simple as possible so everybody knows
how to use or make them. I don't give people space to create their own variations of
the 'Alex Chiu Rings' or 'Alex Chiu cell realignment machine'. They either make them
my way or don't make them at all. My inventions either work or don't work at all.
I feel sorry for Royal Rife. He spent his entire life creating his RIFE
machines. But at the end it became just a myth. 90 years have gone by, and
nobody knows what his original machine looks like and if they really did work. What
a pity. I feel sorry for George Lakhovsky too. His technology is also lost.
I will not make that kind of mistake.
My Theory on How the Capacitor Leaks Electrons
Since scientists have discovered that the RC circuit (resistor & capacitor) best
resembles the human nerve system, my machine resonates with the human flesh using just the
RC circuit perfectly. When the capacitor is fully charged, it still leaks electrons
into the surrounding. So I build a gun turret to point the electrons and make them
shoot into your flesh to repair the damage.
What is Asthma and Multiple Sclerosis?
Basically, asthma is a acne scar that's in your throat. That scar area is
extremely sensitive to the air that you breath, and it could outbreak if you eat too much
calorie or cholesterol. And each time that acne outbreaks, it causes inflammation in
your airway making it difficult for you to breath. People who have chronic asthma,
meaning they have difficulty breathing most of the time, have a very deep acne scar inside
their throats. And that acne scar keeps outbreaking constantly. In order to
get rid of that scar, you need to use the machine and set it to 20 minutes ON and 20
seconds OFF. The asthma will eventually go away after a few days of treatment.
But the scar is still there. So what you need to do after the asthma
disappeared is watch what you eat. Do not eat beef. Do not eat snacks like
cookies or potato chips because they contain perservatives like sulfite. Do not eat
deep fried foods. Read the contents of the foods that you buy. Do not eat
tomatoes or foods that contain tomato, for example canned re-fried beans. Stay away
from bacon and ham since they contain nitrite. Keep your environment clean.
Just do the best to keep your asthma in control. Make sure it does not outbreak
anymore. Of course, use the machine every night. Then in 1 or 2 years, the
deep rooted acne scar could be healed up by the machine. Then after the acne scar is
healed up, you can start eating normally again like a normal person. But each time
you have an asthma attack, the scar would enlarge. And you wasted your time.
You have to start from square one all over again. But if you try your best, the scar
would become smaller and smaller. And eventually, it will disappear. And your
asthma is totally gone. So if you had one or two outbreaks, don't give up.
Keep healing it. Its getting better.
Multiple sclerosis is pretty much the same as asthma.
What is Cancer and Tumor?
Cancer cells and tumors are stressed and emaciated cells that are extremely worn out
and deformed. They are deformed to a level that they fail to defend themselves from
foreign invading viruses. Then viruses conquer them and turn them into a fort where
viruses can live and prosper. In order to get rid of the cancer or the tumor, use
the machine and maybe set it to 20 minutes ON and 30 seconds OFF. Eventually, the
worn out cancer cells would be realigned and be renewed. The virus would lose their
castle and would be hunted down by your white blood cells and be killed. If you
decide to remove your tumor with a surgery, you risk spreading the virus into your entire
body. But with the cell realignment machine, the tumor would be realigned little by
little. And the viruses would lose their ground little by little. So they
cannot overwhelm your entire body all at once. If you cut away your tumor, the
viruses would leak into your body all at once, and you don't have enough white blood cells
to catch all of them. Thus they start to settle in orher parts of your body and
create more tumors throughout your body.
What is HIV or Herpes?
These are viruses that only attack certain parts of your body. For example the
HIV virus likes to attack your bone marrow. And herpes usually are found on your
skin. The best way to combat them is to point to machine at where these viruses are
hiding. the electrons that leaked from the machine might wipe them out.
They might not be wiped out completely. But the machine might keep you alive
by killing the viruses on daily basis so that they won't cause a complete collaps of your
What is Diabetes or High Blood Pressure?
Basically your body's circulation is bad. So everything in your body is starting
to fail. Control your diet. Wear the Immortality Rings. If you have a
weak heart, heal your heart with the machine.
I Believe that Everything can be Cured by this machine in the Future.
Surgery Might be a thing of the Past Soon.
This machine can even cure ugliness. Yes! If your nose is too big or your
eyes too small, the machine can adjust all that. It can reshape your facial
structure and realign your cheek bone. It beautifies your entire face and make
everything fair and symmetrical. It can perform plastic surgery without a knife.
Its better than plastic surgery because its 100% natural.
I believe in the future, most diseases can be cured by using the cell realignment
machine. Unless you broke your leg or fractured your skull, you don't need to see a
doctor or perform a surgery. 99% of the diseases can be solved with this machine.
This is truly what I believe.
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