Tuesday, August 16, 2022

Magnet Therapy: Know Magnet’s Healing Power

Magnet Therapy

 Magnet Therapy: Know Magnet’s Healing Power


 It is undeniable that today there are countless ways to connect with the physical body, from a therapeutic point of view. Healing is no longer limited to traditional medical treatments, as these are often accompanied by alternative therapies that work better every day for millions of people.

This blog has been created especially for those who are interested in alternative therapies and their effectiveness in the field of non-traditional medicine. Although magnet therapy is not a very old practice, having been discovered in 1988 by physician Isaac Goiz in Mexico, it has a solid foundation that gives it, in part, a more scientific character than other therapies.

Magnet therapy is defined as a scientific and therapeutic technique whose main objective is to achieve the bioenergetic balance of the body through the use of magnets. According to this theory, the correct placement of magnets in the body produces a balance in the PH, making the environment hostile to pathogens such as parasites, bacteria and fungi, since these proliferate when there is an imbalance in it.

On the contrary, healthy cells begin to live in a healthy, balanced and ideal environment to recover and create healing. In addition, the immune system is strengthened, so this keeps away pathogens that cause various diseases. The perfect balance achieved with magnet therapy is called homeostasis, known as the body’s state of perfect equilibrium.

By restoring the PH balance, this makes the organs indispensable for the proper functioning of the body, such as the liver, stomach, pancreas, lungs, and intestines to function properly. To achieve this, high intensity magnets are placed in specific areas of the body.

Historical facts

  • Olden days, people believed that Magnets have some unknown, secret, invisible, unexplained, hidden power
  • Cleopatra, the Princess of Egypt, wore small magnet for retaining her beauty and youth
  • Up to the last of 15 th Century, generally peoples know that Magnets have two poles, one is North and other is south
  • In 16 th Century, one Swiss Scientist, claimed the healing power of the magnets
  • British Scientist Dr. William Gilbert started the scientific studies of Magnet and their properties

New Holistic Treatment

  • Magnet therapy came in existence and practiced , after exploration of magnetic power by the Father of Homoeopathy Dr. Samuel Hahnemann

Magnet Devices

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