Showing posts with label CAM. Show all posts
Showing posts with label CAM. Show all posts

Tuesday, September 13, 2022

Magnet Therapy Now Appears to be One of the Most Widely Used forms of CAM for the Management of Chronic Pain

Magnet Therapy Now Appears to be One of the Most Widely Used forms of CAM for the Management of Chronic Pain
 Magnet Therapy Now Appears to be One of the Most Widely Used forms of CAM for the Management of Chronic Pain

Magnet therapy now appears to be one of the most widely used forms of CAM for the management of chronic pain associated with musculoskeletal disorders such as RA, with many patients demonstrating willingness to privately purchase permanent magnetic devices which are marketed for health purposes.

 Magnet therapy for the relief of pain and inflammation in rheumatoid arthritis (CAMBRA): A randomised placebo-controlled crossover trial

Stewart J Richmond


  [Immortality Devices]  [Gorgeouspil]   [Chi Flush]  [Cell Realignment Machine]

 [ Magnet Therapy Tools and Books ]

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