Wednesday, September 14, 2022

Magnet Therapy, Second Edition: The Self-Help Guide to Magnets-Clinically Proven to Relieve 35 Health Problems


Magnet Therapy, Second Edition: The Self-Help Guide to Magnets-Clinically Proven to Relieve 35 Health Problems

  Magnet Therapy, Second Edition: The Self-Help Guide to Magnets-Clinically Proven to Relieve 35 Health Problems

Magnet Therapy, Second Edition: The Self-Help Guide to Magnets-Clinically Proven to Relieve 35 Health Problems




"Magenet Therapy is extremely practical showing patients and clinicians exactly how to apply the magnets on their bodies and what types of magnets to use." 

(Ross A. Hauser, MD)

Product Description

Remember when you were a kid and you raked a magnet through the sand, attracting specks of iron? Well, just as it draws iron from the sand, a magnet can manipulate the iron in your bloodstream, improving both circulation and body function. Magnet Therapy is filled with practical information as well as success stories that will bolster your determination to work toward greater health.

You would be amazed to learn just how many conditions can be healed with magnet therapy. Diabetes, heart disease, and multiple sclerosis are only three of the thirty-five health issues discussed in this book. Conventional medicine does its best with pills, but treats only the symptoms, while magnet therapy treats the whole body, making it stronger and healthier. Whether this is your first or fortieth time using magnets, Magnet Therapy will teach you to maximize your health in a way that is both scientifically proven and easy to understand.

About the Author

William H. Philpott, MD, has had specialized training and experience in the fields of psychiatry, neurology, nutrition, electroencephalography, and toxicology. His research into the causes of mental illness and degenerative disease resulted in the publication of Brain Allergies and Victory Over Diabetes.

Dwight K. Kalita, PhD, is the co-author of Brain Allergies, Victory Over Diabetes, and Nourishing Your Child, and the author of Light Consciousness. He is also the co-editor of A Physician’s Handbook on Orthomolecular Medicine.

Linwood Lothrop earned a degree in microbiology from the University of Central Oklahoma. He served as the laboratory director of Philpott Medical Center, Inc., where he developed testing and evaluation of magnetic materials as needed to further Dr. Philpott’s research. Currently, he is the president of Lothrop Technologies, Inc., in Choctaw, Oklahoma.

Excerpt. © Reprinted by permission. All rights reserved.

HEALTH PROBLEMS are not something you have to live with―alternative medicine has practical solutions for identifying and treating the underlying causes and can bring lasting relief for a myriad of diseases. Many people have learned this the hard way, living with discomfort and pain for years before discovering that there is another option. Alternative medicine recognizes that illnesses do not have one cause, but multiple factors that together overload your body systems. Looking at illness and health in this way makes for more effective treatment than the single-cause focus of conventional medicine.

In this book, you will learn that once you identify the hidden factors that are combining to produce your illness you can treat each one using magnet therapy and permanently eliminate your symptoms. Patient success stories throughout the book provide practical details on how others were able to reverse their health problems using magnet therapy. Conventional medicine generally offers drug treatments that may temporarily relieve your symptoms, but also introduce serious side effects. Alternative medicine physicians, on the other hand, focus on finding the root causes, rather than merely trying to alleviate symptoms. In this book, we show you how to treat a number of illnesses using safe, noninvasive magnet therapy. Two primary conditions in the body set the groundwork for illness―high acidity and a lack of oxygen. Magnet therapy, by normalizing these factors and producing a number of other health-promoting effects, prevents and reverses ill health. Alternative medicine looks at the whole person, considering the individual’s symptoms, health history, diet, and underlying imbalances. Healing these underlying causes leading to illness brings lasting relief, not a simple masking of symptoms. This is the basic principle of alternative medicine and the reason why it succeeds where conventional medicine often fails in treatment of chronic disease.

This book is here to tell you that you don’t have to live with illness, or with a continuing cycle of drugs and their side effects. By treating what is actually causing the condition, not only can health problems be reversed using magnet therapy, but your overall health will be improved. Start with the therapies in this book to relieve your symptoms and eliminate your illness for good. God bless.

―Burton Goldberg

Founder, Alternative Medicine Magazine,

 now Natural Solutions  magazine

Excerpt. © Reprinted by permission. All rights reserved.

HEALTH PROBLEMS are not something you have to live with―alternative medicine has practical solutions for identifying and treating the underlying causes and can bring lasting relief for a myriad of diseases. Many people have learned this the hard way, living with discomfort and pain for years before discovering that there is another option. Alternative medicine recognizes that illnesses do not have one cause, but multiple factors that together overload your body systems. Looking at illness and health in this way makes for more effective treatment than the single-cause focus of conventional medicine.

In this book, you will learn that once you identify the hidden factors that are combining to produce your illness you can treat each one using magnet therapy and permanently eliminate your symptoms. Patient success stories throughout the book provide practical details on how others were able to reverse their health problems using magnet therapy. Conventional medicine generally offers drug treatments that may temporarily relieve your symptoms, but also introduce serious side effects. Alternative medicine physicians, on the other hand, focus on finding the root causes, rather than merely trying to alleviate symptoms. In this book, we show you how to treat a number of illnesses using safe, noninvasive magnet therapy. Two primary conditions in the body set the groundwork for illness―high acidity and a lack of oxygen. Magnet therapy, by normalizing these factors and producing a number of other health-promoting effects, prevents and reverses ill health. Alternative medicine looks at the whole person, considering the individual’s symptoms, health history, diet, and underlying imbalances. Healing these underlying causes leading to illness brings lasting relief, not a simple masking of symptoms. This is the basic principle of alternative medicine and the reason why it succeeds where conventional medicine often fails in treatment of chronic disease.

This book is here to tell you that you don’t have to live with illness, or with a continuing cycle of drugs and their side effects. By treating what is actually causing the condition, not only can health problems be reversed using magnet therapy, but your overall health will be improved. Start with the therapies in this book to relieve your symptoms and eliminate your illness for good. God bless.

―Burton Goldberg

Founder, Alternative Medicine Magazine,

 now Natural Solutions  magazine

  Magnet Therapy, Second Edition: The Self-Help Guide to Magnets-Clinically Proven to Relieve 35 Health Problems


  [Immortality Devices]  [Gorgeouspil]   [Chi Flush]  [Cell Realignment Machine]

 [ Magnet Therapy Tools and Books ]


Tuesday, September 13, 2022

Magnet Therapy Now Appears to be One of the Most Widely Used forms of CAM for the Management of Chronic Pain

Magnet Therapy Now Appears to be One of the Most Widely Used forms of CAM for the Management of Chronic Pain
 Magnet Therapy Now Appears to be One of the Most Widely Used forms of CAM for the Management of Chronic Pain

Magnet therapy now appears to be one of the most widely used forms of CAM for the management of chronic pain associated with musculoskeletal disorders such as RA, with many patients demonstrating willingness to privately purchase permanent magnetic devices which are marketed for health purposes.

 Magnet therapy for the relief of pain and inflammation in rheumatoid arthritis (CAMBRA): A randomised placebo-controlled crossover trial

Stewart J Richmond


  [Immortality Devices]  [Gorgeouspil]   [Chi Flush]  [Cell Realignment Machine]

 [ Magnet Therapy Tools and Books ]

Sunday, September 11, 2022

Vital Magnetic Cure: An Exposition of Vital Magnetism, and Its Application to the Treatment of Mental and Physical Disease by Magnetic Physician

Vital Magnetic Cure: an exposition of vital magnetism, and its application to the treatment of mental and physical disease by Magnetic Physician

Vital Magnetic Cure: An Exposition of Vital Magnetism, and Its Application to the Treatment of Mental and Physical Disease


From the remotest period of human history the power of mind over mind, and mind over matter has been known. In all ages it has to some extent, and in some form been illustrated.; and there have descended to us in legitimate annals or traditional story, occasional glimpses or more complete accounts of its application in the treatment of disease, followed by the most marvellous results. With only the light of a materialistic philosophy to guide, the statements could not be regarded otherwise than marvellous, if not deemed absolutely incredible. Substantiated by competent and reliable testimony, yet contrary to general experience, and in opposition to known physical laws, they could only be explained by a belief in miracle. But since the boundaries of natural science have been vastly enlarged, it has come to be understood that such phenomena are neither unnatural, supernatural nor miraculous. Although at certain epochs their manifestation has been confined to a few persons, or known only in isolated instances; the extent to which they have been observed thus fluctuating from time to time, they have in latter years rapidly increased, so that in our day they are of no uncommon occurrence.In alluding to the diversity of magnetic endowment, we have refrained from mentioning the names of particular Magnetizers and Clairvoyants, in order that we might deal impartially with all. The treatise is intended to benefit all, by making known what can be accomplished by this remarkable power. It is a book for the skeptic and the honest inquirer, as well as these classes; and in fact for all who dare to think for themselves on these great living, vital truths. More might be said on the subject, for it is inexhaustible. Others should strive to improve upon our effort, giving to the world their highest and best thoughts, and the teachings of experience, leading to a correct understanding of life, both in the material and spiritual realms of existence.

Magnet Therapy Books at Amazon

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Magnet Devices

Wednesday, August 17, 2022

Materia Medica Pura Vol. 1 by Hahnemann, Samuel, 1755-1843; Dudgeon, R. E. (Robert Ellis), 1820-1904; Hughes, Richard


Materia Medica Pura Vol. 1 by Hahnemann, Samuel, 1755-1843; Dudgeon, R. E. (Robert Ellis), 1820-1904; Hughes, Richard

Materia Medica Pura Vol. 1 by Hahnemann, Samuel, 1755-1843; Dudgeon, R. E. (Robert Ellis), 1820-1904; Hughes, Richard



The Materia Medica Pura, needs no introduction. It is Dr Samuel Hahnemann's magnum opus. It is the source book of all subsequent materia medicas. It contains the original provings conducted by Dr Hahnemann on himself and his patients. All the symptoms are given in the language of the prover. It has an exhaustive symptom list. The study of the "Materia Medica Pura" is a very important part of the study of homeopathy. Here, the reader can go back to the origin of the symptom in the prover. Since the language of this book is the language of the prover, there is no scope for any erroneous interpretations. Everything written by Dr Hahnemann is of historical importance and the same applies to this book also. It is the first ever recorded materia medica in the world. A wealth of knowledge can be gleaned by it, if one studies it seriously.

Subject: This is: "Materia Medica Pura - Vol. 1"
This amazing work is only the first volume of Dudgeon's translation of Materia Medica Pura. This first volume was published in 1880.

The second volume is available here, titled "Materia medica pura, tr. by R. e. Dudgeon, with annotations by R. Hughes (1881)":

Buy Homeopathy Books at Amazon


About the Author

Samuel Christian Friedrich Hahnemann
Samuel Christian Friedrich Hahnemann was born in 1755 in Meissen. A German physician, he discovered what he believed to be the key to curing the sick whilst translating a Scottish medical book in the early 1800s. His writings still remain the ultimate authority on the doctrines and practice of homoeopathic medicine.

Buy Samuel Christian Friedrich Hahnemann Books at Amazon

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Materia Medica Pura, tr. by R. e. Dudgeon, with Annotations Vol. 2 by R. Hughes by Samuel Christian F . Hahnemann

Materia Medica Pura, tr. by R. e. Dudgeon, with Annotations Vol. 2 by R. Hughes by Samuel Christian F . Hahnemann

Materia Medica Pura, tr. by R. e. Dudgeon, with Annotations Vol. 2 by R. Hughes




Samuel Christian F . Hahnemann


The Materia Medica Pura, needs no introduction. It is Dr Samuel Hahnemann's magnum opus. It is the source book of all subsequent materia medicas. It contains the original provings conducted by Dr Hahnemann on himself and his patients. All the symptoms are given in the language of the prover. It has an exhaustive symptom list. The study of the "Materia Medica Pura" is a very important part of the study of homeopathy. Here, the reader can go back to the origin of the symptom in the prover. Since the language of this book is the language of the prover, there is no scope for any erroneous interpretations. Everything written by Dr Hahnemann is of historical importance and the same applies to this book also. It is the first ever recorded materia medica in the world. A wealth of knowledge can be gleaned by it, if one studi

es it seriously.

Subject: This is: "Materia Medica Pura - Vol. 2"
This amazing work is the second volume of Dudgeon's translation of Materia Medica Pura. This second volume was published in 1881.

The first volume is available here, titled "Materia medica pura (1880)"

Buy Homeopathy Books at Amazon


About the Author

Samuel Christian Friedrich Hahnemann
Samuel Christian Friedrich Hahnemann was born in 1755 in Meissen. A German physician, he discovered what he believed to be the key to curing the sick whilst translating a Scottish medical book in the early 1800s. His writings still remain the ultimate authority on the doctrines and practice of homoeopathic medicine.

Buy Samuel Christian Friedrich Hahnemann Books at Amazon

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Organon of Medicine by Samuel Hahnemann, 1755-1843

Organon of Medicine by Samuel Hahnemann, 1755-1843


Organon of Medicine




Samuel Hahnemann




Written by Samuel Hahnemann, the founder of homeopathy, The Organon of Medicine is the cornerstone of homeopathic principles and practice, and used by homeopathy students and practitioners. We provide this important book here free of charge and in digital format, so that it can be enjoyed by all interested in homeopathy.

Buy Homeopathy Books at Amazon


About the Author

Samuel Christian Friedrich Hahnemann
Samuel Christian Friedrich Hahnemann was born in 1755 in Meissen. A German physician, he discovered what he believed to be the key to curing the sick whilst translating a Scottish medical book in the early 1800s. His writings still remain the ultimate authority on the doctrines and practice of homoeopathic medicine.

Buy Samuel Christian Friedrich Hahnemann Books at Amazon

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Tuesday, August 16, 2022

Magnet Therapy: Know Magnet’s Healing Power

Magnet Therapy

 Magnet Therapy: Know Magnet’s Healing Power


 It is undeniable that today there are countless ways to connect with the physical body, from a therapeutic point of view. Healing is no longer limited to traditional medical treatments, as these are often accompanied by alternative therapies that work better every day for millions of people.

This blog has been created especially for those who are interested in alternative therapies and their effectiveness in the field of non-traditional medicine. Although magnet therapy is not a very old practice, having been discovered in 1988 by physician Isaac Goiz in Mexico, it has a solid foundation that gives it, in part, a more scientific character than other therapies.

Magnet therapy is defined as a scientific and therapeutic technique whose main objective is to achieve the bioenergetic balance of the body through the use of magnets. According to this theory, the correct placement of magnets in the body produces a balance in the PH, making the environment hostile to pathogens such as parasites, bacteria and fungi, since these proliferate when there is an imbalance in it.

On the contrary, healthy cells begin to live in a healthy, balanced and ideal environment to recover and create healing. In addition, the immune system is strengthened, so this keeps away pathogens that cause various diseases. The perfect balance achieved with magnet therapy is called homeostasis, known as the body’s state of perfect equilibrium.

By restoring the PH balance, this makes the organs indispensable for the proper functioning of the body, such as the liver, stomach, pancreas, lungs, and intestines to function properly. To achieve this, high intensity magnets are placed in specific areas of the body.

Historical facts

  • Olden days, people believed that Magnets have some unknown, secret, invisible, unexplained, hidden power
  • Cleopatra, the Princess of Egypt, wore small magnet for retaining her beauty and youth
  • Up to the last of 15 th Century, generally peoples know that Magnets have two poles, one is North and other is south
  • In 16 th Century, one Swiss Scientist, claimed the healing power of the magnets
  • British Scientist Dr. William Gilbert started the scientific studies of Magnet and their properties

New Holistic Treatment

  • Magnet therapy came in existence and practiced , after exploration of magnetic power by the Father of Homoeopathy Dr. Samuel Hahnemann

Magnet Devices

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